Thursday, July 28, 2011

S03 E13: Jetlag

Arsty conceptual photograph or
a poor understanding of how glass works?
You decide!

Late July?


Oh... well, in Paris, podcasts don't air until weeks after they are recorded. Very continental... very sophisticated.

Actually, it's been a busy time for us and we've just gotten around to editing a session done while Tyler was in Paris. The wait was worth it, though. Why, you can almost smell the Seine in this week's episode.

And don't fear, the big #100 is coming up very soon. If you've got any comments or suggestions, let us know what you'd like to hear.


Ray Charles - Hit the Road Jack
Duke Ellington - Take the A Train
Willie Nelson - On the Road Again (although more of a travelling song...)
Canned Heat - On the Road Again (ditto, though a different song)
John Denver - Country Roads
Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound
CCR - Proud Mary

1 comment:

William Robert said...

It is amazing how much ground all three of you covered given that you had not prepared in advance for this episode. Enjoyed hearing Kristin on the show as part of the international extravaganza.

I stand corrected: episode #99.

Louie Anderson is alive and well and living in Vegas. I happened to take in his show while on a business trip there in November of 2008. He is a regular; and still very funny.

Looking forward to the ASR centenary edition!
