Tuesday, January 29, 2013

S05 E01: Navel Gazing

ASR has also been shown to cure scurvy.

Have you been suffering from ASR withdrawal? Well, prepare to overdose on what I'm sure most podcast experts would call a unhealthy dose of our show. Season Five begins with a marathon reflection session as we both enter our thirties. Somehow we manage to weave in winter, Ottawa, birthdays, Chicago, reënacting (that's how The New Yorker would spell it; sue me), travelling, meeting new people, online dating, the Golden Globes, Girls, high school reunions, SNL, The Office and probably more. Enjoy!


Awkward Silences Theme - Michael Szilagyi
Paul Simon - Have a Good Time
Coldplay - We Never Change
The Beatles - In My Life
David Bowie - Changes
Radiohead - Fitter Happier
Rilo Kiley - A Better Son/Daughter
Fleet Foxes - Montezuma
The Strokes - Is This It?
Eight and a Half - When I Was 29
Dandy Warhols - Big Indian
Fleet Foxes - Blue Spotted Tail
4 Non Blondes - What's Up?
Britt Daniel/Brian Reitzell - Flours
Carole King - Beautiful

The End of Courtship?
Perhaps not... 

1 comment:

William Robert said...

Welcome Back!

Really like the new theme song - perfect intro for ASR.

Now that you two have decided to go on trips together, your loyal fans will look forward to hearing a future episode aired from Casablanca.
